Renny Slade - The Wise Learner

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The Wise Learner - Wish it, Dream it, Do it

A couple of months have passed between me buying this sign that says 'Wish it, Dream it, Do it' and hanging it on our dining room wall this morning, and it made me reflect on what I have 'gone and done' lately. I'm pleased to say that I have decided on a few big things, made them true and real and tangible, and some of these I had wished for and dreamed about for a long time. In my personal life I challenge myself to 'WALK MY TALK', which has resulted in stepping out of my comfort zone on a couple of occasions: I have signed up for an exciting (albeit challenging) 4-day course with the Public Speaking University in May, and we are getting a puppy in a few weeks!

I feel out of my comfort zone, for sure. I have spent quite a few hourse lying awake at night in the last few weeks, wondering if I have made the right decisions or not. I have been telling myself for decades that I couldn't possibly stand up on a stage to tell my story, and as a family we've been saying for so long that 'the conditions aren't right' to have a puppy, and I have real trouble telling myself that it is actually really possible (and then believe it too!). I am doing it, so it is possible, isn't it?

In my work with clients, I have many conversations about their wishes and dreams as part of them getting clear on their goals. Some of these wishes and dreams are small and easily come true with only a tiny bit of 'doing', but other wishes and dreams are so big that they might seem out of reach, at which point the 'doing' might not get going.

Now, here is a question for you: What is your most important wish or dream at this moment in time? Is this something you are already working towards, or something that you consider day dreaming or wishful thinking? If the latter is the case, you might not even start working on it. However, no matter how small or big your dream is, it all starts with taking the first step. The trick is in the DOING. And it doesn't matter if a step in the direction of your dream turns out to be a dead end: that is not the same as failing to reach your dream, it is just finding out that whatever you did is not the best way to reach your goal.

Once you are absolutely clear on your biggest dream ever and you get excited about how you would feel when you have reached it, then you tap into your true passion. Once you feel your passion you can get going, try things out, plough away. You might have to do things you don't like to do, like doing a job you don't like in order to save the money you need to turn your real passion into a forever reality. You might start on something that you think will get you to reach your goal, only to find out that that isn't working for you and you need to find a different way to get where you want to get to. The question is what you do DO when you reach these dead ends, when you feel the frustration... do you give up? Or do you keep your bigger dream alive by simply trying out another way to get there?

George Addair said: 'Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear' and as far as I am concerned, the only way to get past your fear is to start doing. There is no failure in trying: 'doing' results in an increased awareness of what works for you and what doesn't. That's all there is to it, so if something doesn't help you move in the direction of your biggest dream, then do something else. So for me that means that I am going on my course in May and we are going to have a puppy, no matter how much out of my comfort zone I feel and how much 'the old story' I have been telling myself is rearing its ugly head at night.

Think back to your big dream again and start 'doing' something today. 'You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.' - Sir Richard Branson


If you are not sure where to start, let's talk and I'll help you get clear. Remember: Anyone can Change Everything, and that includes you.

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